Continental Hoses has created what it says is the industry’s first 20,000-psi API 16C choke and kill flexible line.
The Continental 20,000-psi flexible line has an internal stainless-steel carcass that is engineered to endure periods of continuous operation.
Continental Hoses has created what it says is the industry’s first 20,000-psi API 16C choke and kill flexible line. The technology is said to be able to withstand the high temperatures and high pressures encountered when tapping into deep oil deposits, while controlling the wellbore effluents with confidence.
To create this new flexible line, engineers based the design around the company’s patented TauroFlon liner, which Continental says is designed to survive the most aggressive chemicals circulating from subsea wells in the most unforgiving offshore environments. The Continental 20,000-psi flexible line is also fitted with an internal stainless-steel carcass that is engineered to endure periods of continuous operation where there is a high risk of rapid decompression.
Recommended applications include choke and kill lines; well testing; well completion; well stimulation/acidizing; and chemical injection. Continental says that operating temperatures can range from -20˚C to +121˚C (-4˚F to 250˚F), and that coupling materials meet NACE MR 01-75/ISO 15156 requirements. The company says that the Continental 20k PSI API 16C flexible line has passed the most stringent tests required by API 16C 2nd Edition and witnessed by DNV.