OTC 2024: DNV announces new offshore rules set for publication

May 11, 2024
New rules cover several segments, including floating spaceports, diving systems, and autonomous underwater systems.

Offshore staff 

HOUSTON – Classification society DNV announced at OTC Houston that its new rules and standards for the offshore industry will be published in July after receiving industry feedback. 

The new DNV rules cover several segments, including underwater systems and installations, offshore units, diving systems, structural design, and drilling systems. DNV says that rules and standards underwent an extensive external hearing process before their publication and entry into force.

Some of the highlights from the new rules and standards for the offshore sector include:

  • Addition of the new service notation for floating spaceports which covers the requirements for units and installations intended for launch and/or recovery of spacecraft.
  • A significant update to the diving systems standard (DNV-OS-E402) to simplify its use and align it with the IMO diving code.
  • Consolidation of the rules covering remotely operated and autonomous underwater systems.
  • Reworking of the structural design standards (DNV-OS-C101, DNV-OS-C102, DNV-OS-C103 and DNV-OS-C104) to enhance ease of use and clarity.
  • Cyber secure notation added as mandatory for offshore units in line with the IACS unified requirements.
  • New fish welfare and ocean health class notations for floating fish farms.

After DNV received feedback from its customers and stakeholders from the rules hearing, this input was processed and incorporated into the rules.

The launch and publication of the new rules takes place in July and the new rules will enter into force on January 1, 2025.
