Baobab FPSO to enter drydock in 2025

Aug. 8, 2024
CNR International and its partners are working with MODEC on preparations for drydocking of the FPSO at the Baobab oil field offshore Cote d’Ivoire.

CNR International and its partners are working with MODEC on preparations for drydocking of the FPSO at the Baobab oil field offshore Cote d’Ivoire.

According to VAALCO Energy, which recently became a partner through its acquisition of Svenska Petroleum, the vessel is due to be taken offline in 2025.

CNR is working on details of the project timetable and costings for the partners and regulator; preliminary work included the execution of a letter of intent with MODEC on April 4.

This covered the main contracts to be executed, including vessel purchase, EPC, operations and maintenance amendments, selection of the vessel disconnection/reconnection contractor, and support for the revised yard bid from Dubai dry docks.

Outstanding tank inspections have continued in preparation for the dry dock.

Offshore Gabon, VAALCO is finalizing locations and planning for its next drilling campaign at the Etame Field, which it aims to launch early in 2025. 

It has also been focused on production optimization of new flowline configurations through the Etame facilities for final processing before production is pumped to the FSO.