lomarlabs, Seabound aim to reduce CO2 emissions aboard vessels

April 20, 2023
lomarlabs, Seabound and Lomar Shipping collaborate on a new project to accelerate the decarbonization of the shipping industry.

Offshore staff

LONDON  Lomar’s new subsidiary lomarlabs is collaborating with tech startup Seabound, in a bid to reduce emissions and catalyze new, cost-effective methods to capture CO2 onboard vessels.

Seabound has developed a compact carbon capture device that can be retrofitted into a ship’s engine exhaust at the funnel. The CO2 chemically reacts with pebbles of quicklime, which then convert into limestone, keeping the CO2 locked in. The limestone pebbles are temporarily stored onboard before the ship returns to port, without any need for energy-intensive CO2 separation, compression or liquefaction.

The companies say the pebbles are safe, inert and non-toxic; abundantly available worldwide and reasonably priced.

Once back in port, the limestone pebbles are offloaded and either sold in pure form or turned back into quicklime and CO2, for the quicklime to be reused onboard another vessel and the CO2 sold for utilization or sequestration.

Preparations to install this equipment onboard the first ship will take place in May and June this year to run the first pilot project throughout this summer.



Photo 41860738 © Kattiya Loukobkul | Dreamstime.com
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