Offshore staff
DOHA, Qatar – Nakilat has partnered with ABS to develop a decarbonization strategy.
Over the past months, Nakilat’s project team has worked with ABS sustainability specialists to map out decarbonization pathways for the company’s fleet of 69 LNG carriers and four very large LPG gas carriers.
These efforts come as part of Nakilat’s drive to become a global maritime sustainability leader.
The project will ultimately see the company’s vessels receive the ABS SUSTAIN notation, which demonstrates alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and establishes a pathway for sustainability certification and reporting.
 The SUSTAIN notations were introduced with the ABS Guide for Sustainability Notations to help marine and offshore operators meet the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) requirements outlined in the SDGs. The guide focuses on sustainability aspects of vessel design, outfitting and layout that can be controlled, measured, and assessed. These include: pollution and waste; coastal and marine ecosystems; energy efficiency and performance monitoring; low-carbon fuels; human-centered design; and asset recycling.