Sonardyne positioning systems in action offshore Brazil
June 2, 2020
OceanPact Geociências has chosen Sonardyne Brasil’s deepwater positioning technology to support its geophysical, geotechnical and environmental research operations offshore Brazil.
(Courtesy OceanPact)
The research vessel Seward Johnson.
Offshore staff
FLEET, UK – OceanPact Geociências has chosen Sonardyne Brasil’s deepwater positioning technology to support its geophysical, geotechnical and environmental research operations offshore Brazil.
Ranger 2 Ultra-Short Baseline (USBL) systems have been installed on OceanPact’s research vessels Seward Johnson and Austral Abrolhos to track the location of underwater equipment and sensor packages deployed from both ships, including seabed corers, towed sensors, and data loggers.
Both vessels are currently on hire with Petrobras.
According to Sonardyne, the Ranger 2 USBL allows operations to start as soon as a vessel arrives on location. It is designed to track multiple underwater targets simultaneously to distances beyond 11 km (6.8 mi), in shallow or deepwater and can remotely configure and communicate with compatible instruments.