Low flow filter developed for deepwater well abandonment
May 8, 2017
Greig Filters, Inc., has recently completed a Low Flow Filter 740 Cartridge Housing Filter Skid for subsea umbilical flushing during deepwater well abandonment. The filter will use a single pleated absolute or a nominal string wound cartridge size 6-in. OD x 38-in. L.
Greig Filters, Inc., has recently completed a Low Flow Filter 740 Cartridge Housing Filter Skid for subsea umbilical flushing during deepwater well abandonment. The filter will use a single pleated absolute or a nominal string wound cartridge size 6-in. OD x 38-in. L.
The Pleated Absolute 740 cartridge has 110 sq ft of filter service area and exhibits high solid holding capacity. The nominal string-wound cartridge has large dirt holding capacity and available in 2 to 75 micron, with an efficiency of 80%. The Low Flow Filter is rated at 10 gpm to 60 gpm, with a working pressure of 300 psi.
Required flushing of the umbilical tube during deepwater production well abandonment is performed with seawater that is normally filtered to 30 micron or larger to remove particles that would contribute to plugging or pump damage. Nominal cartridge filter with large dirt capacity is best for this work, and does not require change out with normal flushing.
The GFI model 740 CFH 300 S4 cartridge filter housing. (Courtesy Greig Filters)
Presently, the string-wound 6-in. OD x 38-in. L cartridge filter is available in various micron sizes and media material.
The work is often performed on remote platforms with little floor space. Flowrate through the umbilical tube is gallons per minute, and thereby performed with low rate pumps and filters.
The company says that equipment with smaller footprints is more suited for remote platforms and supply boats.