Offshore staff
WESTHILL, UK – ROVOP has completed its first remote platform-based inspection, repair, and maintenance job for Premier Oil at the Balmoral oil field in the UK central North Sea.
This involved remote visual and NDT inspections of hull sections, flowlines, umbilicals and risers, plus chain inspection, measurement and cleaning, on the Balmoral floating production vessel.
ROVOP collaborated with Premier to develop a live video streaming service back to shore. Two-way open communications allowed inspection and data recording engineers to manage the program remotely from land.
This meant three fewer persons were needed onboard the vessel, where accommodation is restricted due to COVID-19 requirements.
A cloud-based viewing platform allowed home-based workers to watch the inspection program, seeing what the ROV and inspection engineers at the site could see in real-time.
Data was captured with the remote team able to influence the operation live.