SINGAPORE — ABS and Seatrium have collaborated on the assignment of a structural health monitoring notation to a self-elevating drilling unit (SEDU).
Illustration courtesy of Seatrium
ADMARINE 686 is the first SEDU to receive the ABS SMART (SHM) Notation.
The ADMARINE 686 is the world’s first SEDU to gain the ABS SMART (SHM) Notation. This recognizes the rig’s capability to monitor and analyze the condition of various structural conditions, ABS said, supporting physics-based analysis and simulation for a holistic structural health assessment and prediction of drilling and maritime assets.
Seatrium Offshore Technology is working with the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS) to develop a structural digital twin using data from sensors on the SEDU.
The twin can detect structural degradation based on global strength response. Its structural health monitoring smart function is being delivered on an industrial (IoT) digital platform with connectivity from the rig to a shoreside station in Singapore.
Earlier this year, ABS recognized Seatrium as the first shipyard group to deploy smart technologies in its operations, in compliance with the ABS Guide for Smart Technologies for Shipyards.
Previously ABS also issued recognition to the company as the first shipyard to integrate smart functions and services into rigs, awarding the SMART(INF) and SMART(MHM) notations.