Principle Power reported, "This [contract] extension further affirms the operational success of the world’s first semisubmersible floating wind farm and first floating wind project to secure bank financing."
This 3rd annual report reviews the latest projects and technologies, expert insights and more on offshore wind advancements. Download the full report for free.
Principle Power has provided inspections, maintenance and repair services and engineering support since the first WindFloat unit was installed in 2019, to maximize uptime and availability.
Services have included remote monitoring and data analytics to measure and improve performance.
According to Ocean Winds, the development has exceeded power expectations during its first five years of operations and has withstood 20-m waves and wind gusts of 139 km/h without incurring structural damage. In addition, the two companies have worked together to oversee health and safety for all platform operations with no lost-time incidents.
And as a research platform for other floating offshore wind developments, the complex has served as a test bed for the EU-Funded Atlantis project, investigating the application of robotic solutions for offshore applications to reduce the levelized cost of energy; and the DOE ARPA-E funded DigiFloat project environmental and structural health monitoring systems to improve modeling and prediction of platform performance.