Bluestream Offshore to manage improvement works at two German wind farms

July 16, 2024
Vattenfall and Stadtwerke München have commissioned OEG Energy Renewables company Bluestream Offshore to perform remedial work on two wind farms in the southern German North Sea.

Vattenfall and Stadtwerke München have commissioned OEG Energy Renewables company Bluestream Offshore to perform remedial work on two wind farms in the southern German North Sea.

The DanTysk and Sandbank developments are 90 km from the coast of Schleswig-Holstein.

Bluestream will provide subsea and topside services, deploying divers and rope access specialists. The 35-day program will include replacing Impressed Current Cathodic Protection systems that prevent corrosion in the metal structure of the turbine foundations and towers; replacement of various reference cells; debris removal; and sonar transponder exchanges.

For the campaign the company will charter the Go Electra service vessel, with an air dive spread and a Seaeye Tiger observation class ROV.

DanTysk and Sandbank, completed in 2014 and 2017, respectively, have a combined capacity of 576 MW and cover a 150-sq-km area, with 152 turbines.