RWE secures Van Oord’s Boreas for Nordseecluster monopile placements
May 28, 2024
RWE has contracted Van Oord to transport and install (T&I) the monopile foundations for the 1.6-GW Nordseecluster wind cluster project offshore Germany.
It will be the first assignment for Van Oord’s new offshore installation vessel Boreas, currently under construction. The scope includes installation of 104 extended monopiles and the scour protection.
Next year, 44 monopiles are due to be installed followed by the remaining 60 in 2027.
Boreas is designed to handle T&I of next-generation foundations and turbines for offshore wind developments.
The jack-up vessel, with a crane capacity of more than 3,000 metric tons, will be capable of installing up to 20 MW wind turbines at sea.
It will have the capability to run entirely on methanol produced from renewable energy sources, reducing its carbon footprint.