Port of Leith signs reservation agreement for Morven offshore wind project
July 13, 2022
Offshore staff
EDINBURGH, Scotland — Scotland’s largest offshore wind renewables hub, at the Port of Leith, has signed a reservation and collaboration agreement with bp and EnBW as the marshalling port for the 2.9-GW Morven offshore wind project, according to a recent Forth Ports Ltd. news release.
Forth Ports’ £50 million investment will see the facility in operation by the end of 2023, providing a bespoke offshore wind berth and a significant land bank for laydown and marshalling of offshore wind farm components. With the capacity for local content manufacturing, as well as a base for SMEs in the offshore wind supply chain, the nation’s largest renewables hub will create employment of up to 1,000 high-quality, long-term direct jobs and about 2,000 indirect jobs, according to Forth Ports.
Morven is a major offshore wind project located 60 km off the east coast of Scotland, awarded to bp and EnBW during the ScotWind leasing round with results announced earlier this year. Once completed, the project is expected to have a generating capacity of 2.9 GW, sufficient to power more than 3 million homes.
The Port of Leith is a key part of the Forth Green Freeport bid, submitted to the UK and Scottish governments for assessment on June 20, which Forth Ports seeks to re-industrialize Scotland, create large-scale economic development, boost local supply chain growth, skills development and create a world-class manufacturing cluster. The bid has the potential to generate 50,000 new green jobs and act as a catalyst for new green technologies and renewable energy manufacturing, unlocking £6 billion of private and public investment for Scotland.