Petrobras, EcoPetrol assessing way forward for offshore Colombia gas find

Oct. 4, 2024
Petrobras International Braspetro is the operator, in partnership with Ecopetrol (55.56%).

Petrobras estimates the gas potential in two discoveries in Colombia’s Guajira offshore basin at 6 Tcf in-place.

The Uchuva-1 and Uchuva-2 wells have been renamed Sirius-1 and Sirius-2.

Petrobras International Braspetro is the operator, in partnership with Ecopetrol (55.56%). The consortium will continue work to develop the area, although confirming the commercial viability of the resource will require further studies, Petrobras said.

Petrobras first discovered the gas in deepwater offshore Colombia in July 2022. The Uchuva-1 well was drilled in the Tayrona Block. The location is 32 km from the coast and 76 km from Santa Marta city in 830 m water depth.