Exploration success offshore Suriname leads Petronas to consider FLNG option

Aug. 22, 2024
Field development option comes after the success of its Sloanea-2 appraisal well in block 52.

Petronas reports that it has achieved success offshore Suriname with its Sloanea-2 appraisal well in Block 52, which was drilled in June.

The Malaysian multinational oil and gas company says that this accomplishment has bolstered its prospects in the basin and opens the possibility of developing a standalone FLNG project at the field in the future.

Petronas says that it is currently assessing the feasibility of an integrated development strategy for gas and oil extraction within Block 52.

Petronas announced that it had first discovered oil and gas in Block 52 offshore Suriname back in May. The Fusaea-1 exploration well, 170 km offshore and 9 km east of the Roystonea-1 discovery on the same block, was drilled to a TD of 5,227 m. It encountered several oil and gas-bearing Campanian sandstone reservoir packages.

Evaluation continues to determine the extent of this latest find, the third on the block after Roystonea and Sloanea.

Block 52, covering a 4,749-sq-km are north of Paramaribo, is in the Suriname-Guyana basin. Petronas Suriname E&P operates in partnership with Exxon Mobil.