Petronas gets approval for Malaysian-Thai offshore license changes
Aug. 25, 2022
PC JDA has secured approvals from the Malaysian and Thai governments to incorporate the offshore Block B-17 and C-19 PSCs and Block B-17-02 (open area) into the Block B-17-01 PSC.
Courtesy Petronas
Offshore staff
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia —Petronas subsidiary PC JDA has completed its negotiations with the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority (MTJA) and secured approvals from the Malaysian and Thai governments to incorporate the offshore Block B-17 and C-19 production sharing contracts (PSCs) and Block B-17-02 (open area) into the Block B-17-01 PSC.
The company will gain an open area and a 10-year production period extension through 2039.
PC JDA/MTJA have committed to additional gas volume under an amended gas sales agreement, which covers the sale and delivery of gas from the PSC areas to Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand.
The PSC areas are within the 7,250-sq-km offshore Malaysia-Thailand overlapping area, administered by the MTJA.
Thai oil and gas company PTTEP restarted gas deliveries to Thailand from the Zawitka offshore gas field in Myanmar, following a halt caused by an onshore gas leak earlier this month.