Gas reserves increase at Aphrodite offshore Cyprus

Nov. 26, 2014
Delek Drilling says a review has raised estimated natural gas and condensate resources in the deepwater Aphrodite reservoir offshore Cyprus.

Offshore staff

TEL AVIV, Israel– Delek Drilling says a review has raised estimated natural gas and condensate resources in the deepwater Aphrodite reservoir offshore Cyprus.

The best estimate has risen by 12% from 4.05 tcf (110 bcm) and 8.1 MMbbl of condensate previously to 4.54 tcf (130 bcm) and 9 MMbbl of condensate.

The main factors were an increase in the estimate of the reservoir’s Gross Rock Volume and of gas saturation values, based on an updated analysis of a seismic survey and logs from three wells in the reservoir (Aphrodite A-1, Aphrodite A-2, and Aphrodite 2).

The Noble-operatedAphrodite-2 well, which was drilled in the central fault block, has proven the existence of gas in sand layers A and C, and resources in these sands have been re-classified as contingent, accordingly.

This well was drilled on the edges of the central fault block, where the various D sands (U1D, D1L, and D2) were found to be water wet. However, there are more prospective resources in the southwestern fault block, with the chance of success here now estimated at 80%. In the central fault block the chances of success of finding gas in the D1U, D1L, and D2 sands have also risen to 95%.
