Argo Cassiopea holds an estimated 10 Bcm of gas and is set to produce 1.5 Bcm annually.
Gas produced from Italy’s offshore Argo Cassiopea fields is transported through a 60 km subsea pipeline to the Gela processing plant. Check out this photo slideshow from Offshore's sister publication Oil & Gas Journal:
Eni has produced first gas from the Argo Cassiopea field development in the Strait of Sicily.
Production, from one of the four subsea wells drilled in recent months, is heading through a new 60-km subsea pipeline to the onshore Gela complex for processing, followed by delivery to Italy’s national grid.
The remaining wells and facilities should be brought online, tested and commissioned over the coming months.
Eni developed the project in a joint venture with Energean under a three-year timeframe. An associated 3.6 MWp array of photovoltaic panels will ensure the project achieves carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, Eni added.
Argo Cassiopea holds an estimated 10 Bcm of gas and is set to produce 1.5 Bcm annually.
Energean is in the process of selling its stake in Argo Cassiopea and other E&P interests in the Mediterranean Sea to an entity controlled by Carlyle International Energy Partners.