Karoon extending Baúna area shutdown offshore Brazil

April 14, 2023
Karoon Energy expects production from the Baúna, Piracaba and Patola fields in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil to remain shut in until next month.

Offshore staff

SOUTHBANK, Australia  Karoon Energy expects production from the Baúna, Piracaba and Patola fields in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil to remain shut in until next month.

The company took the action in late March following a loss of containment incident associated with a high-pressure flare on the FPSO Cidade de Itajaí.

Altera&Ocyan (A&O), the vessel operator, mobilized specialists to identify the source of the leak and effect repairs. While the repairs were effective, Karoon and A&O decided to extend the shutdown to conduct a comprehensive inspection and system testing program due to the higher-than-expected flow rates from the recently onstream Patola wells, and the associated pressure this places on the FPSO’s processing system.

Activities include bringing forward some of the planned July shutdown work scope to ensure the FPSO’s future reliability. Timing of the restart will be governed by completion of the inspections and the final scope of works undertaken; at present, Karoon is targeting a resumption in early May.

Earlier this week, Karoon advised that the development of the Patola Field in BM-S-40 in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil (Karoon, 100%) was successfully completed.
