Two-hundredth oil cargo departs Arctic Prirazlomonaya platform

June 1, 2020
Gazprom Neft has shipped the 200th consignment of ARCO crude from the Prirazlomnaya drilling and production platform, 60 km (37 mi) offshore in the southeastern Russian sector of the Barents Sea.

Offshore staff

ST PETERSBURG, Russia – Gazprom Neft has shipped the 200th consignment of ARCO crude from the Prirazlomnaya drilling and production platform, 60 km (37 mi) offshore in the southeastern Russian sector of the Barents Sea.

The double-hulled ice-class tanker Mikhail Ulyanov received the latest shipment. According to Gazprom Neft, depending on the prevailing wind direction, currents or ice movements in the harsh offshore region, the vessel either approaches one of various direct-loading facilities, or moves away from the platform, at a safe distance.

A dynamic positioning system helps keep the vessel on station during transhipment, with loading only beginning once 30 essential safety criteria have been met.

The Mikhail Ulanov and Kirill Lavrov, both owned by Sovcomflot, have transported oil from the field since 2014, to date delivering more than 13 MM metric tons of crude to the Port of Murmansk.

The ice-resistant Prirazlomnaya platform, designed and built in constructed in Russia, can perform drilling, production, storage, processing and offloading. It is said to be capable of withstanding heavy ice loads.
