ABS approves large-scale mooring connectors from First Subsea
Jan. 30, 2013
First Subsea has received the first-ever ABS 2009 approval for forgings more than 500 mm (19 ½ in.) in diameter for use in subsea mooring applications.
ABS approves large-scale mooring connectors from First Subsea.
Offshore staff
LANCASTER, UK –First Subsea has received the first-ever ABS 2009 approval of forgings more than 500 mm (19½ in.) in diameter for use in subsea mooring applications.
The approval refers to Ballgrab ball-and-taper mooring connectors manufactured of 4330V steel forgings with outside diameters to 510 mm (20 in.). The connectors can be used with R3, R3S, R4, and R5 grade chain and shackle.