IMAGE 2024: DUG premieres elastic seismic imaging technique

Aug. 28, 2024
DUG Technology has released its latest seismic data processing, imaging and interpretation development, DUG Elastic Multi-parameter Full Waveform Inversion (MP-FWI) Imaging.

DUG Technology has released its latest seismic data processing, imaging and interpretation development, DUG Elastic Multi-parameter Full Waveform Inversion (MP-FWI) Imaging.

The new elastic solution is said to be a further development of the company’s acoustic MP-FWI imaging technology, which has been featured in more than 40 projects worldwide.

According to the company, DUG Elastic MP-FWI Imaging uses advanced physics to remove assumptions and approximations associated with traditional processing, imaging and quantitative interpretation workflows.

Strong impedance contrasts (notably those produced by salt or chalk) generate significant elastic effects that have to be accounted for to correctly image the seismic wavefield and deliver true-amplitudes for quantitative interpretation.

DUG’s technique addresses three-component reflectivity, Vp, Vs, P-impedance, S-impedance and density, delivering improved results in shorter timeframes, the company said.

DUG made this announcement at The International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE 24) in Houston. DUG is exhibiting this week at booth 1432 at SEG and AAPG's IMAGE 2024 event. View the IMAGE program to learn more about presentations by DUG and more. 


Image courtesy of Viridien Earth Data; Block and operator data sourced from Wood Mackenzie Lens Upstream © 2024
Viridien Gulf of Mexico 2024