PGS embarks on offshore Denmark 2D reprocessing for CCS screening

June 4, 2024
PGS is preparing to start a Denmark 2D carbon capture and storage (CCS) reprocessing project covering up to 50,000 line km. 

Offshore staff

OSLO, NorwayPGS is preparing to start a Denmark 2D carbon capture and storage (CCS) reprocessing project covering up to 50,000 line km. 

The company said it has developed a proven processing and imaging sequence based on reprocessing last year of seven seismic sections from three 2D surveys over the Inez and Hanstholm fields, via a feasibility study with GEUS.

The 2D processing and imaging sequence, from pre-processing through tomography and final VTI Kirchhoff PSDM, illuminates potential CCS structures.

For the new project, the main CO2 storage targets will be Triassic Bunter sandstone in the Skagerrak-Gassum and mid-Jurassic Haldager formations.

PGS anticipates aquifer storage potential in the Oligocene-Miocene in a depth range of 800 m to 3,000 m. The area has marine shale seal lithology, with a regional chalk seal.

There is evidence of Zechstein salt movement-induced structures, with inter-salt mini basins and turtle structures.

Sónia Pereira, PGS’ vice president of Europe Sales, said, “This 2D reprocessing project will provide the industry with the necessary subsurface images for screening the Danish offshore and near offshore coast for CO2 storage in saline aquifers.”

To support future oil and gas exploration offshore Norway, PGS’ Ramform Tethys is starting work on the 2024 Norwegian Sea GeoStreamer X survey. The design configuration for the acquisition includes wide-towed sources and dense streamers for improved near-offset distribution, and long streamer tails for accurate velocity model building.

By the end of the season, the company’s data library should be expanded to about 20 000 sq km of GeoStreamer X data coverage in the Norwegian Sea.

To the north, Ramform Hyperion has resumed work on another program on the Outer Vøring region that began in 2023. The vessel is towing a GeoStreamer 3D spread to map a potential gas play across open blocks with pipeline capacity that have been made available for licensing in Norway’s APA 2024 round.

Another PGS vessel, Sanco Swift, has completed its second offshore wind site characterization exercise in the New York Bight and is preparing to sail east for a third project in the southern North Sea, deploying an ultrahigh-resolution 3D spread.

The company has applied new configurations to improve the efficiency of the technology, originally designed for acquiring ultrahigh-resolution seismic over the shallowest subsurface areas, for adaptation to the needs of offshore wind.
