Spectrum launches multi-client 3D seismic survey offshore Gabon

Jan. 5, 2017
Spectrum, in collaboration with the Direction Generale des Hydrocarbures, has started the first of three multi-client 3D seismic acquisition programs offshore Gabon.

Offshore staff

WOKING, UKSpectrum, in collaboration with the Direction Generale des Hydrocarbures (DGH), has started the first of three multi-client 3D seismic acquisition programs offshore Gabon.

On Dec. 31, 2016, Spectrum started acquisition of the 10,000-sq km (3,861-sq mi) Gryphon 3D survey off southern Gabon. The survey has attracted industry funding and is expected to be completed in early 3Q 2017.

A 5,000-sq km (1,931-sq mi) 3D survey over open acreage in northern Gabon and a 3,000-sq km (1,158-sq mi) 3D survey offshore central Gabon are expected to begin during 1Q and 2Q, respectively.

Gravity and magnetic data will also be acquired in conjunction with the seismic data. The company says this will allow for the effective independent verification of structure and the preparation of high density depth to basement maps.

The programs are located in under-explored areas over shallow water open blocks. The DGH intends to make these blocks available through future shallow water license rounds. Spectrum’s new 3D broadband seismic will image high potential pre- and post-salt play types.

The new 3D seismic data is expected to start becoming available toward the end of 2017 ahead of anticipated licensing rounds.
