Offshore staff
MELBOURNE, Australia – CGG has completed seismic acquisition across the WA-458-P permit offshore Western Australia, according to Australian E&P company FAR.
In mid-December, theMV Geo Coral started mobilizing from Southeast Asia and after a brief port call in Broome, began deployment of in-water equipment while en route to the survey area.
Acquisition of the Davros Extension multi-client 3D survey finished in mid-January and FAR expects to receive final processed data during the second half of this year.
The program will allow a full evaluation of WA-458-P, which is within the prolific Dampier sub-basin. The company plans to use the results for detailed mapping of identified exploration prospects, some of which could be drilling candidates.
FAR intends to farm down its interest in the permit after completing its evaluation using the new seismic data.
Managing director Cath Norman pointed out that offshore Western Australia had experienced a resurgence of activity following the surpriseDorado oil discovery.