Offshore staff
MASSY, France – CGGVeritas has ordered 800 more Trilobit 4C ocean-bottom nodes. With commercial availability expected by early 2012, CGGVeritas will have a total of 1,000 units.
As a four-component node with a compact integrated architecture, CGGVeritas says Trilobit provides high vector fidelity for accurate and repeatable seismic records. These are necessary for reservoir monitoring applications and for full-azimuth multi-component imaging and inversion including imaging through salt, basalt, and gas.
In addition, the use of a proprietary and efficient ROV deployment and recovery system makes Trilobit applicable for imaging under platforms or in areas inaccessible to traditional towed-streamer and OBC acquisition systems.
“Our decision to embrace the growing seabed market with a commercial offering of Trilobit nodes reinforces our business strategy as the market leader of fully integrated geophysical solutions,” said Lionel Lhommet, executive vice president, Geomarkets & Global Marketing, CGGVeritas.