Petrobras discovers new, lighter oil on Marlim Leste
Dec. 28, 2005
Petrobras confirms that it discovered a new oil accumulation on the Marlim Leste field in the Campos Basin.
Offshore staff
(Brazil) - Petrobras confirms that it discovered a new oil accumulation on the Marlim Leste field in the Campos Basin.
The operator says the discovery "opens up a new exploratory frontier in the Campos Basin" because it was drilled in deeper geologic layers.
The company added that the "discovery inaugurates a new exploratory model, which may result in other discoveries of lighter and better quality oil."
The discovery is located 120 km off the coast and 188 km from Macaé, in water depth of 1,350 m. The discovery well's results indicated a column of 300 m of 28° API oil, which is the lightest accumulation found so far on the field.