JIP assessing emissions KPIs for seismic acquisition

Jan. 2, 2024
PGS, Shearwater and DNV have initiated a new joint industry project (JIP) to define key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy and emission reporting for the seismic sector.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway PGS, Shearwater and DNV initiated a new joint industry project (JIP) in late December to define key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy and emission reporting for the seismic sector.

The companies aim to establish a standardized reporting framework based on currently compiled data and operating modes enabled by DNV’s reporting tool. Preliminary work has already taken place on mapping requirements and preparations for data tests. The program should conclude during first-quarter 2024.

Developing common KPIs and standardizing reporting for seismic offshore contractors should lead to greater transparency and consistency on seismic energy and emission reporting, the partners claim.

“To be able to work jointly with the industry to develop relevant metrics to monitor energy and emission efficiency of the work carried out for seismic vessels that can be verified by third parties is very constructive for all stakeholders in the value chain,” said Mikael Johansson, senior principal consultant of DNV Maritime Advisory.
