Sercel, Kappa team for offshore 3D imaging

March 16, 2021
Sercel and Kappa Offshore Solutions have introduced PIKSEL, a compact marine seismic solution said to provide high-resolution 3D imaging of targeted offshore areas.

Offshore staff

NANTES, FranceSercel and Kappa Offshore Solutions have introduced PIKSEL, a compact marine seismic solution said to provide high-resolution 3D imaging of targeted offshore areas.

The development combines Sercel’s Sentinel streamer technology with Kappa’s experience in equipment integration and hydrodynamic modeling.

PIKSEL is said to provide low noise performance through the Sentinel streamer’s hydrophone design and an optimized rigging and handling system that minimizes vibration.

For enhanced broadband imaging, Sercel’s Sentinel MS 3-C multi-sensor streamer can be used to help deliver an accurate and noise-free signal.

Due to the optimized hydrodynamic shape, towing speed is high, which facilitates faster survey acquisition. PIKSEL can also be towed deeper than other solutions, Sercel added, allowing data recording in rough seas, and thereby reducing downtime.

The turnkey system can also be containerized for quick installation onboard a range of vessels.

Finally, PIKSEL is compatible with the QuietSea passive acoustic monitoring system; the Nautilus streamer positioning solution; and the SeaProNav Suite navigation platform.
