SLB awarded three completion contracts for Petrobras’ Buzios field

April 15, 2024
Digital-ready technologies designed to support Petrobras' move toward production system electrification.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON SLB has been awarded three contracts by Petrobras for completion hardware and services for up to 35 subsea wells in the development of Petrobras’ offshore Buzios Wave II oilfield. 

The scope of the contract includes SLB’s full bore electric interval control valves and electric subsurface safety valves. SLB says that the award is a catalyst toward full production system electrification for Petrobras, improving production availability via more reliable completions.

By converting to electric completions, Petrobras will gain the ability to reliably control a more sophisticated system in the subsurface. Full electrification of completions enables maximum production control across multiple reservoir drains, potentially requiring fewer wells and limiting heavy workovers during the productive life of the Buzios field wells.

Much of the technology to be deployed in Buzios and available for other operators of Brazilian pre-salt fields was developed at SLB’s Taubaté Engineering Center in Brazil for Brazilian Pre-salt, in collaboration with CENPES, the Petrobras research center, and TotalEnergies.
