Statoil steps up search in Barents Sea

Dec. 19, 2011
Statoil Petroleum has authorization from Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to drill an appraisal well in the Barents Sea.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – Statoil Petroleum has authorization from Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to drill an appraisal well in the Barents Sea.

The harsh environment semi Aker Barents will drill well 7220/5-1 in the Barents Sea as part of the assessment of the Skrugard discovery in adjacent block 7220/8, production license 532.

The well will be drilled in 388 m (1,273 ft) water depth, 200 km (124 mi) offshore Ingøya in Finnmark County and 210 km (130 mi) northwest of Hammerfest. Drilling should start next month and last around 49 days.
