Offshore staff
MOSCOW – Rosneft says the Sakhalin-1 Consortium has drilled the world’s longest well to date at the Chayvo field offshore Sakhalin Island.
The O-14 production well was drilled from the ice-reinforced Orlan drilling platform to the field’s southeastern point. Its measured depth was 13,500 m (44,291 ft), with a horizontal reach of 12,033 m (39,478 ft).
Rosneft claims that since 2003, the consortium has drilled nine of the world’s 10 longest-reach wells. A year ago, they established the previous record of 13,000 m (42,651 ft) MD forChayvo’s Z-40 well.
Sakhalin-1 extended-reach drilling is among the fastest, the company adds, due to the use of ExxonMobil’s proprietary Fast Drill technology. This can be used to identify potential bottlenecks in the drilling process, enabling wells and completions to be optimized.
Chayvo, northeast of the Sakhalin shore, came onstream in 2005. It is one of three fields under development in the Sakhalin-1 project. The water depth around the Orlan platform is 15 m (49 ft). Production is sent to the Chayvo onshore processing facility.
Partners are Rosneft 20%; ExxonMobil 30%; SODECO 30%; and ONGC Videsh 20%.