Stena Forth to drill two prospects for Springfield offshore Ghana
Sept. 9, 2019
The drillship Stena Forth will drill the Oak-1x and Afina-1x exploration wells for Springfield Exploration and Production offshore Ghana.
Offshore staff
ACCRA, Ghana – Springfield Exploration and Production (SEP) has contracted the drillship Stena Forth for a drilling campaign on the West Cape Three Points Block 2 (WCTP Block 2) offshore Ghana.
The program, due to get under way late this month, will start with the Oak-1x exploratory well, on trend with the Beech discovery in the Deep Water Tano Cape Three Points block to the southwest.
Next up will be Afina-1x, testing the Cenomanian oil potential on a similar play fairway to discovered resources east of WCTP Block 2.
Springfield continues to work up other drilling locations on the block.
In April 2017, the company contracted PGS to acquire 3D seismic over the concession.