Deepwater Horizon: NOIA asks for GoM drilling ban guide
June 8, 2010
A letter urging issuance of guidance following the Minerals Management Service rescissions of Applications for Permit to Drill in less than 500 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico was sent yesterday to the acting MMS director Bob Abbey by the National Ocean Industries Association.
Offshore staff
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A letter urging issuance of guidance following the Minerals Management Service rescissions of Applications for Permit to Drill in less than 500 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico was sent yesterday to the acting MMS director Bob Abbey by the National Ocean Industries Association.
In addition to timely, measurable, and achievable guidelines, NOIA recommended that MMS detail the additional safety measures mentioned by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar late last month.
The association also invited the Department of the Interior to join an Industry Response Team consisting of energy trade associations, energy experts, and academia to examine the spill response and make recommendations for future response protocols.