USCG approves ROV check into sheen at Macondo site in deepwater GoM
Nov. 30, 2012
The US Coast Guard has approved a plan by BP and Transocean to conduct an ROV investigation of the Macondo site following reports of a sheen in the area.
Offshore staff
NEW ORLEANS – The US Coast Guard has approved a plan by BP and Transocean to conduct an ROV investigation of the Macondo site following reports of a sheen in the area.
Work is scheduled to start on Dec. 3 and entails inspecting the wreckage and wellhead site to determine if there is a source for the sheen.
In addition, Captain Duke Walker, Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for theDeepwater Horizon oil spill response, tasked BP and Transocean to develop an array of options for remediation of oil that might remain within wreckage in the vicinity of the original Deepwater Horizon incident.