Sensor specialists team up for oil spill detection

March 13, 2018
Ocean Visuals and Miros have agreed to jointly offer remote sensors for oil spill detection and verification.

Offshore staff

ÅLESUND, Norway – Ocean Visuals and Miros have agreed to jointly offer remote sensors for oil spill detection and verification.

They claim the combination of complementary detection and verification sensors will be unique, addressing all aspects of surveillance, detection, and verification of oil spills.

Miros’ radar and IR-based surveillance and detection system detects and tracks oils spills over large areas, while Ocean Visuals’ HLIF LiDAR provides high resolution point measurements for detection and verification.

Both companies favor use of sensors that can be easily mounted on vessels and topsides.

Andreas Brekke, CEO of Miros, said: “The real novelty of this cooperation is being able to solve a wider range of our customers’ operational challenges. We can now offer detection capabilities at all relevant distances and across a wider range of operating scenarios, with unprecedented automated verification capabilities.”

Miros claims its systems are deployed on the majority of response vessels globally and have been comprehensively tested in both oil-in-water exercises and in real oil spill incidents.

Two-thirds of the European Maritime Safety Agency’s oil spill response vessels and 16 NOFO oil response vessels are fitted with the company’s OSD recovery systems.

Ocean Visuals’ Oil-in-Water Locator is said to detect and classify oil on the water surface and in the water column, submerged oil, and oil in ice slush, without generating false alarms.
