NPD releases more relinquished offshore data to explorers

Oct. 2, 2023
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is making publicly available nearly 6,000 datasets from relinquished areas across the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway  The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is making publicly available nearly 6,000 datasets from relinquished areas across the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

These are in addition to the 30,000 datasets released over the past year. Most of the data are available via the NPD’s Diskos service.

Widening E&P companies’ access to this information should lead to increased value creation on the shelf, the NPD hopes, assuming that others can use it to identify new opportunities.

Following new guidelines introduced last year, the period under which data remained confidential was reduced from 20 years to two years. Now, interpreted data from relinquished areas can be released after one year.

"We want the acreage to circulate, so it's important for us to provide rapid access to data,” said Elin Aabø, acting project manager for Diskos. “We want other companies to take a fresh look and review the opportunities. We hope that the reuse of data from other companies will avoid some duplicated efforts."

Note, the NPD will have a name change, effective Jan. 1, 2024, to Norwegian Offshore Directorate. Read more. 
