Statoil’s UK drilling to focus initially on Verbier
March 1, 2018
Statoil has contracted the semisubmersible West Phoenix to drill a well offshore Norway followed by three wells on the UK continental shelf.
West Phoenix
Offshore staff
LONDON – Statoil has contracted the semisubmersible West Phoenix to drill a well offshore Norway followed by three wells on the UK continental shelf.
According to Jersey Oil & Gas, the first of the planned UK wells this summer will be to appraise last year’sVerbier oil discovery, to be followed by a potential side track, on the P.2170 license.
Verbier holds estimated recoverable reserves in the range of 25-130 MMboe: the purpose of the well, Jersey said, is to firm up the size of the resource.
Andrew Benitz, Jersey’s CEO, added: “In parallel with the appraisal well program on Verbier, we are continuing our exploration activities to fully evaluate the remaining prospectivity of the P.2170 license area."