Chemical injection process chosen for two North Sea platforms

May 5, 2016
ExxonMobil and Statoil have ordered TechInvent’s FluidCom system for projects in the Norwegian North Sea.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER, Norway – ExxonMobil and Statoil have ordered TechInvent’s FluidCom system for projects in the Norwegian North Sea.

FluidCom is a chemical injection valve and metering controller is said to employ a unique combination of material and thermal effects to improve the chemical injection process.

ExxonMobil will install the technology in a new chemical injection system on theBalder FPSO, while Statoil will deploy the system on the new unmanned wellhead platform for the Oseberg Vestflanken 2 development.

FluidCom has been certified following an eight-month offshore field qualification program. According to TechInvent, tests demonstrated the system’s accuracy and reliability, with the fully integrated logic controls for local or optional remote communication by wired or wireless HART demonstrating significant cost efficiencies.

In comparison to existing valve installations, the company claims, the new system also reduces on-site capacity relative to current valves that are larger and which are reliant on additional devices to perform the same function.

Further, by working on thermodynamic principles, virtually no moving parts are involved and regular maintenance is not required.


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