Offshore staff
SYDNEY, Australia – Production from the Casino gas project in the Otway basin offshore Victoria, southeast Australia fell 16% during 2Q to 3.0 PJ of sales gas and 1,600 bbl of condensate.
According to partnerAWE, output was impacted by an 18-day planned maintenance program in April at the Iona onshore gas plant (and subsea maintenance of various back-up control systems), and by the need to shut in the Casino-5 well around the same time to address an anomalous annulus pressure reading.
OperatorSantos plans a workover on the well early next year to return it to production.
In the northwest Natuna Sea offshore Indonesia, AWE has a 50% interest in the Ande Ande Lumut (AAL) oil project.
Field development optimization studies continue, incorporating results from theAAL-4XST1 appraisal well with a focus on assessing the G sand resources.
Laboratory analysis has confirmed that comingled production of K sand and G sand oil is possible with no significant changes to the FPSO processing infrastructure.
The joint venture is currently finalizing new reservoir models to support an application to jointly develop the G sand and K sand reservoirs from field start-up.
This may require an amendment to the approved K sand POD and will result in the final investment decision being moved to the second half of 2018.
Stage 2 commercial tenders remain on hold until this work is completed.