CGG details integrated data service at EAGE

June 14, 2017
CGG has unveiled its JumpStart multi-client geoscience programs at the 2017 EAGE conference and exhibition in Paris.

Offshore staff

PARIS – CGG has unveiled its JumpStart multi-client geoscience programs at the 2017 EAGE conference and exhibition in Paris.

These are designed to improve the industry’s understanding of petroleum systems and support exploration efforts.

CurrentlyCGG has seven JumpStart programs in operation for individual areas offshore Mexico, Gabon, Australia, Norway, Indonesia and Timor Leste, with two areas off Brazil and more programs in prospect.

JumpStart is said to integrate all available data in a geographical area and frame it within a geological context.

This allows users to directly access, in one place, the reviewed, validated, calibrated, and interpreted data set, in what is claimed to be a consistent, accessible, and ready-to-use format.

JumpStart also incorporates key wells, through what is said to be a consistent interpretation. Where appropriate, wells are enhanced by new core and cuttings information.

Seismic and well data are then integrated with all other available information, including CGG’s portfolio of geological studies, potential fields data, satellite seeps and geochemical data, to deliver a “coherent and comprehensive geoscience package.”

The programs focus on the main petroleum geology components such as source rock, reservoir, charge, trap, and migration pathways to provide holistic data sets.
