WesternGeco to acquire 4D seismic data over four Aker BP fields

April 27, 2017
Aker BP has awarded Schlumberger a framework contract for acquisition of 4D seismic data offshore Norway.

Offshore staff

LYSAKER, Norway – Aker BP has awarded Schlumberger a framework contract for acquisition of 4D seismic data offshore Norway.

It runs for four years, with an option for two two-year extensions.

Schlumberger subsidiaryWesternGeco will acquire 4D data over the Aker BP-operated Alvheim, Bøyla, Skarv/Snadd and Ula fields this year, using the WG Amundsen seismic vessel.

This part of the agreement is valued at around $30 million.

The program, due to start in May, involves deployment of IsoMetrix marine isometric seismic technology. The dense measurements provided by this technique are said to increase understanding of variations in the reservoir fluids and subsurface pressure.

Aker BP plans to use the results to assist decisions such as drilling new production wells, or injecting water or gas to improve recovery through existing production wells.
