Norway steps up assistance for offshore technology
Aug. 9, 2016
The Norwegian government’s DEMO 2000 technology program will provide funding of NOK 125 million ($14.72 million) for new technology for use offshore Norway, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
This is the largest sum allocated in the history of the program, NPD adds, as the government seeks to safeguard expertise and employment in the petroleum industry.
In addition, NPD has authorizedWintershall to drill an exploration well in North Sea license 248F, using the semisubmersible Borgland Dolphin.
The rig currently completing another well for the operator on the same license, will drill the 35/11-20 B wildcat at a location 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Florø and about 20 km (12.4 mi) northwest of the Fram field.
This will be the third well on the concession, which was awarded in mid-1999.