UK, Norway introduce further helicopter flight restrictions
May 13, 2016
Following the crash of the Norwegian Super Puma helicopter near Bergen on April 29, the UK and Norwegian Civil Aviation Authorities introduced restrictions to the Airbus EC225LP helicopter to prevent offshore operators using it for commercial flights.
Both organizations have now agreed to extend the scope of the restriction to include the AS332L2 Super Puma helicopter until further information is available on the cause of the accident.
The decision is based on the close similarities between the two types ofhelicopter. The restrictions do not apply to search and rescue flights.
Mick Borwell, Health, Safety and Environment Policy Director at Oil & Gas UK, said: “We assume that new information has come to light for this decision to be taken and we support that decision. We must wait for the facts to emerge but in the interim we will work with all stakeholders on the issues that may now arise.
“Oil & Gas UK had already set up a helicopter resilience group that met earlier this week to discuss how logistics are being managed. We will be meeting again at the earliest opportunity to discuss this latest development. We will do all that we can to support our members in enabling the workforce to travel safely.”