First Solan oil well goes onstream offshore the UK

April 13, 2016
Premier has produced first oil from the Solan field west of Shetland.

Offshore staff

LONDON – Premier has produced first oil from the Solan field west of Shetland.

The first production well (P1) is flowing naturally but at a restricted initial rate. Soon, however, the electric submersible pump will be switched on.

While theSuperior Flotel remains alongside the Solan platform (probably until end-May), Premier intends to shut down production again in order to complete final commissioning of the water injection plant, tie-in of the second water injection well (W2), and preparations for tie in of the second producer (P2) by mid-year.

The semisubmersibleOcean Valiant rig is currently drilling P2, which has intersected 1,500 ft (457 m) of good-quality reservoir sands.

During the second half of this year, when both pairs of producer-injector wells are in service, output from Solan should ramp up to 20-25,000 boe/d.


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