Anchor handling simulation software gets release

April 15, 2015
EIVA has released NaviSuite software that includes an anchor-handling module that offers catenary simulation. 

Offshore staff

SKANDERBORG, the Netherlands – EIVA has released NaviSuite software that includes an anchor-handling module that offers catenary simulation.

The software combines anchor handling and catenary data acquisition, ROV inspection, and reporting in a single tool that covers both operation planning and execution. Real-time 3D display of the seabed, structures, anchor elements, and surface and subsea objects, offers a complete picture of the entire operation, said EIVA.

The algorithm behind the catenary feature of NaviSuite Beka offers high-performance, virtually instant anchor chain catenary simulation. The algorithm computes the physical behavior of the defined anchor chains taking into account material weight, drag, buoyancy, elasticity, etc. Also, as it is a 3D algorithm, it takes into account water currents, among others.

NAVI has noted that the algorithm was developed and theoretically verified by the nonprofit independent Danish research organization the Alexandra Institute and tested in real-life operations by the survey company iSURVEY.
