Permasense upgrades corrosion data visualization and analysis software
Feb. 10, 2015
Permasense has upgraded its Data Manager 5 data visualization and analysis software.
Permasense sensors
Offshore staff
HORSHAM, UK –Permasense has upgraded its Data Manager 5 data visualization and analysis software.
Using Adaptive Cross Correlation (AXC) processing, the company says the new software makes it quicker and easier to analyze data gathered by Permasense’s corrosion and erosion-monitoring sensors.
“AXC and PSI are the results of several years of development effort in partnership with Imperial College London and some of our key clients,” said Jon Allin, CTO at Permasense. “We have overcome a fundamental limitation of ultrasonic wall thickness measurement, separating the physical effect of wall thinning and internal roughness into two measurements.”
Permasense’s non-intrusive corrosion and erosion-monitoring system uses permanently installed, wireless sensors to continually measure the wall thickness of fixed equipment and to detect metal loss caused by internal corrosion or erosion. Combining ultrasonic sensor technology with wireless communication, the company said its system sends real-time data automatically to the user’s desk, enabling them to view equipment wall thicknesses and wall loss rates at critical or high-risk locations.