NEL invests in wet-gas test facility

Oct. 23, 2014
NEL has invested in excess of £500,000 ($800,862) in the development of its Glasgow-based wet-gas facility.

Offshore staff

GLASGOW, UKNEL has invested in excess of £500,000 ($800,862) in the development of its Glasgow-based wet-gas facility. NEL says this is the UK’s only independent commercial test facility that can test meters to such high flow rates for wet gas conditions, and which is also capable of using oil and water components simultaneously.

Phase 1 of the upgrade program has been completed, and, as a result, the gas flow rates now exceed 2,000 cm/hr (70,629 cf/hr), and liquid volume fractions in excess of 10% are possible. The second phase of NEL’s investment will see the simultaneous injection of water and oil to better simulate field conditions.

The move tosubsea production and processing has necessitated the introduction of higher-capacity flow meters. Along with the drive to reduce the cost of production through the use of shared facilities, this has generated increased demand for more accurate wet gas metering to reduce uncertainty and minimize financial exposure.
