MEO Australia Ltd. advises that Eni Australia Ltd. has elected not to drill an additional well on the Heron structure and will therefore withdraw from the Heron area of NT/P68.
Offshore staff
MELBOURNE, Australia – MEO Australia Ltd. (ASX: MEO) advises that Eni Australia Ltd. has elected not to drill an additional well on the Heron structure and will therefore withdraw from the Heron area of NT/P68. As a consequence, MEO will regain a 100% participating interest in the Heron area. Eni has also elected not to increase its participating interest in the Blackwood area and has advised that it intends to retain a 50% participating interest.
The parties have agreed to a process to negotiate certain amendments to the Blackwood area agreements to define the basis of the joint venture’s future activities on Blackwood.
The proposed amendments include agreement on the scope and commencement of Blackwood development studies, as required by the NT/P68 farm-in agreement, to determine whether the resources contained in the Blackwood area are commercial to develop. The parties will also seek to agree a strategy for Blackwood area permit management beyond the current permit expiration on April 26, 2015.
MEO CEO and Managing Director Jürgen Hendrich comments,“We are pleased to regain a 100% participating interest in what we consider to be substantial discovered and prospective resources at Heron. MEO looks forward to assuming operatorship of the Heron area, undertaking a resource assessment, and determining a future direction for realizing shareholder value from these resources.”