TDW isolates pipeline end manifold for testing of new pipeline offshore Malaysia

April 23, 2014
T.D. Williamson (TDW) reports that, as the result of a pressure isolation carried out on a major export gas pipeline offshore Malaysia, the pipeline was safely hydro-tested and made ready for commissioning.

Offshore staff

SINGAPORE–T.D. Williamson (TDW) reports that, as the result of a pressure isolation carried out on a major export gas pipeline offshore Malaysia, the pipeline was safely hydro-tested and made ready for commissioning.

The isolation was carried out by on a newly installed subsea pipeline between the FPSO pipeline end manifold (PLEM) and a gas complex, located 149 mi (240 km) offshoreTerengganu in the South China Sea. The complex features a production platform, a riser platform connected by an inter-platform bridge to the production platform, a vent bridge, and a vent boom.

The gas export pipeline designated for isolation stretches 32 mi (53 km) from a primary platform to a PLEM attached to the FPSO. As part of the pre-commissioning project, it was necessary to hydro-test the 16-in export gas pipeline between the platform and the FPSO PLEM prior to the dewatering and drying, once the pipeline spool and PLEM installation had been completed subsea.

TDW used its SmartPlug isolation tool to maintain the pressure rate between the riser and the PLEM while the pipeline was tested.

TDW launched its remotely operated SmartPlug from a temporary subsea launcher, moving it 7 m (22 ft) into the pipeline through the main PLEM valve, before setting it. TDW isolated the section of the PLEM while the 16-in gas export line washydro-tested to a pressure of 188 bar (2,727 psi), which was held for 24 hrs.

Throughout the subsea isolation operation, TDW used its remotely operated SmartTrack tracking and monitoring system to enhance control during launching, pigging, setting, pressure monitoring, unsetting, and retrieval of the SmartPlug tool.

With the PLEM securely isolated, the operator was able to successfully hydro-test the export gas pipeline.
